Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Let's take a trip back in time, it was 5 years or so ago, 2008 to be exact.  I sat with baited breath watching updates on CNN live from the press conference.  "Finally" ...I thought, "Bigfoot's going to be proven to be real & people I work with won't have a choice but stop making the occasional joke because I once causally mentioned that I believe in bigfoot" and maybe, I thought to myself, I can finally even come forward and tell others about the personal encounter I had in 2004...

I can recall watching the press conference and at that time being filled with excitement, and even five years later I can also remember well the disappointment when it all turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by two men from the State of Georgia.  In fact, calling it "disappointment" is an understatement; I actually felt hurt by what had happened…

So, you might ask, all these years later what on earth am I doing supporting Rick Dyer since he was one of the very men who perpetrated a hoax in 2008?  And the reason is simple:

The evidence IS there to support his Sept 6th 2012 claim…

It's hard to see at a distance, but if you get up close and look at it and talk to the right people both inside and outside the bigfoot community, the evidence IS there.

For me, one of the most surprising hallmarks of this situation was when I came to realize that the majority of the people in the bigfoot community don't actually want bigfoot to be real.  As strange as it sounds, I have indeed found this to be the case.  In brief I have found that the majority of the people in the bigfoot community close their minds and make judgements and then dismiss any facts that don't support their predispositions.

I am here to challenge you to open your mind and look deeply without expectations and perhaps you'll see just as I have that there is indeed something to Mr. Dyer's Sept 6th 2012 claim.

If you were someone who was hurt by what happened in 2008, join the club.  I was too, but I am willing to put that in the past and take a really good look at what Rick Dyer is saying here & now.

All you need to do is what I did: take the initiative and check the facts.

In my opinion after doing so you'll discover that  Rick Dyer is telling the truth.  Moreover, Mr. Dyer is sincere about proving it, and he seems also to understand that he has a responsibility to make up for what happened in 2008.

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