Thursday 2 January 2014

It's a new year… and I want to kick it off with one of my favourite quotes "small minds gather together and talk about people, average minds gather together and talk about events, and great minds gather together and talk about ideas"

That is an amazing quote!  And I try my very best to put it into practice in all areas of my life, and in all interests of my life.

It really strikes me to be the truth, and in the bigfoot community there is way too much small-minded name dropping, and way too little open-minded discussion about ideas.

I could sit here writing "Dyer Dyer Dyer" and in the next paragraph write "RacerX RacerX RacerX" but where is that going to lead? Moreover why do so when there are so many ideas to be discussed…? What's going to benefit this situation more, writing about people or writing about ideas?

So here's an idea, posed as a question: do people in the bigfoot community actually want bigfoot to be proven to be real?

I actually think that answer is "no" one good example of this is that I read a post in the comments section of RacerX's site where someone was actually advocating burning Rick's trailer and the specimen along with it…  To me that just strikes me as someone who is on some level afraid of it actually being real.

Let me put it this way: there is a huge responsibility that comes along with saying "I don't know" I respect anyone who says that with sincerity.  But it is far more often the case that someone says "I don't know" but what they actually mean is "I don't want to know"

If you ask me if the Hank-specimen is real, I can say with sincerity that "I don't know" and let me tell you this with total sincerity: I DO want to know!  And it is Rick Dyer who is the one who has given me the chance to know.  I'm accordingly saying I am grateful to the man for being given that chance.

When I look at the other possibilities, and the other stances I could take on the issue I could have easily said "I don't know" and masqueraded it as not wanting to know.  For me personally that would be a very dangerous place to build assumptions and hateful thoughts from, but there would be zero possibility proof, and no possibility of actually knowing.

Rick has said the whole time that he understands that there are people, (even people on his team), that are looking at this situation from a distance and sincerely saying "I don't know" as far as I have seen he is totally comfortable with that.  And to his credit he HAS shown evidence to people in Team Tracker (myself included) that points to his Sept 6th claim as being absolutely 100% valid.  And because I followed his instructions with the NDA he has extended me something that NO ONE from another part of the bigfoot community has offered.  Soon I will know firsthand.

The fact that I don't know is what brought me to Team Tracker, and the fact that I do want to know is what took me to Toronto in April 2013, and it's what will take me elsewhere in early 2014.

If you want to sit behind your computer and talk about people, feel free, but I'm putting my left foot in front of my right foot.  I've got an idea that bigfoot is real, and moreover I've got an idea that an event took place on Sept 6th 2012 which will prove the existence of bigfoot once and for all.  Those are ideas which I am going to explore thoroughly, and very soon, thanks to Mr. Dyer, I will know firsthand if those ideas are true, and that event was real.  ...What can anyone else in the bigfoot community offer me which can compete with that?

Friday 27 December 2013

I wanted to talk a bit in this blog entry about the trip I made last April to the premier of the movie Shooting Bigfoot.

It was quite and adventure, a 2000km trip at a time in my life where things weren't going very well.  As a matter of fact even though my airplane ticket was purchased in advance I almost didn't go, but in brief I am really glad I did.

I got to meet the crew from FBFB and other notables like Christopher Noel, and some very sharp people from the bigfoot community.

The movie itself has been reviewed many times so I won't get too deeply into the content.  But I have heard it said before that anticipation is the most sincere and reliable form of pleasure.  That's an interesting statement, and I can say without a doubt there was no small degree of anticipation in the audience when the film stated.

Unfortunately Morgan Matthews was not there on opening night, but there was a secondary producer from the BBC who got up on stage before the event began and took a few questions from the audience, but there was nothing of real note said.

The opening credits ran, and I was pleasantly surprised by the great production values.  The film started with a two minute cartoon sequence featuring Rick Dyer's character with a double barrelled shotgun tracking a bigfoot as the credits rolled.

I can remember a few key points in the movie, and turning to the person seated next to me and saying "holy s*it!" when Rick got the ribs out and started cooking them on the fire…

Then the footage came, we'd all been lead (by Rick) to expect that we were going to see 3 minutes of HD footage of Hank eating ribs etc, and of course that footage (if it exists) wasn't included in the version that was released to the public in April 2013, but what was included in the film was a few seconds of footage of Hank walking away from the camera and a few positively amazing seconds of Hank rushing the camera.

Let me be clear on this point: the naysayers who have concluded it might have been a mask absolutely have NOT seen the actual footage.  It was not a mask and everyone in the theatre knew that much.  The footage left questions open at the time as to whether it was CGI or not, but a mask: positively not!

The footage of Hank rushing the camera is like a great white shark attacking out of the depths.  That is exactly how it struck me, like the footage on shark week; the creature rushed the camrea showing emotion on it's face, opened it's mouth impossibly wide, and then *klunk* the camera was dropped.

That's about the size of it; at the onset we in the audience expected much more, but as time marched on I thought about it over-and-over and I really do feel that footage was authentic.  And nothing has come up since that has substantially challenged that conclusion.  As a matter of fact (other than some criticisms Attila made) everything I have heard in argument about the footage has come from individuals who clearly have not seen it.

After the film FBFB and a bunch of us piled out onto the street and they called Musky who 100% stuck by his story and had no explanation why the footage was not in the film as promised.  I'm still completely in the dark as to what footage of "live Hank" exists and what doesn't exist, but for other reasons I am now completely unconcerned about that matter.

The bottom line is: the footage existing (although it would have immense value) is not nearly as important as the specimen existing.  Once the primary consideration is settled, the secondary consideration loses most of it's meaning.

Seeing how much of a grubbing Musky took it gives me pause to say anything else, but I will say that I am confident that soon my words will lose most of their meaning also.  -One man's opinion means nothing when the world is about to change.  There are three things which can never remain hidden for long: the sun, the moon, and the truth.

The truth is coming...

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Wow… I think I will title this blog-post "fear the hate game…"

I'm entirely new to blogging, and I was going to write a post tonight, so in order to find the mainpage I typed in the name of my blog "teamtacker2014" and to my surprise I noticed it was mentioned on RacerX's site. I have been on that site occasionally and sometimes read the comments, and so I started reading: low & behold some nut in the comments section mentioned a "Canadian" (who I assume is me) on TT who needed to be "dealt with" and "outed"

Holy smokes! I was literally poleaxed when I read that!!

What on Earth have I done that I deserve to be either "dealt with" or "outed"??   I am totally astonished and it gives me a small taste of what Rick himself has to go through at the hands of such idiots all the time.  I think Rick has stated that he loves the conflict sometimes, and as a result he's probably brought a lot of it on himself, but what exactly did I do??  I said I believed him… Yeah okay, I said that, and I'll continue to say I believe him because I have good reasons to say exactly that, but since when is it a crime to form an opinion based on what I have seen with my own eyes or based on what I have heard with my own ears?

I can look anyone in the eye (and for that matter I can look myself in the mirror) and say I have never hated on anyone in any part of the Bigfoot community…  For me this isn't about small-minded tribal nonsense; rather, for me, this is about one thing: it's about Bigfoot.  Understandably it might be about Rick Dyer to Rick Dyer, he's a card like that, but for me it's not about Rick Dyer, it's about Bigfoot. And moreover it's about bringing some sense of closure to the Bigfoot close-encounter I had myself in 2004.

I bought a membership to Rick's site, and Rick was good to his word. I've very much got my money's worth from my membership.  It's probably the case that some other people who didn't follow Rick's instructions & didn't sign NDA's didn't get their money's worth.  That's not my problem.  All I can say is what I know personally and that is when I followed Rick's instructions: he delivered.  People are saying Rick is out to scam & rip people off, and that is absolutely not my experience at all.

As time goes by I can and will say some things about Rick which are really good, and probably I could but won't say some stuff about Rick which is rather bad.  He's human & accordingly he's got great qualities and he's got faults.  I'm no different, are you?

So yeah, that's about it… I have no clue what this is all about for the guy who suggested that I need to be "dealt with" and "outed" but I do know what this is about for me:'s about BIGFOOT!

I'm going to close this post with an unlikely quote from an unlikely source: Mr. Bill Cosby who once said:

"...I don't know what the key to success is, but I definitely know what the key to failure is: trying to please everyone."

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Let's take a trip back in time, it was 5 years or so ago, 2008 to be exact.  I sat with baited breath watching updates on CNN live from the press conference.  "Finally" ...I thought, "Bigfoot's going to be proven to be real & people I work with won't have a choice but stop making the occasional joke because I once causally mentioned that I believe in bigfoot" and maybe, I thought to myself, I can finally even come forward and tell others about the personal encounter I had in 2004...

I can recall watching the press conference and at that time being filled with excitement, and even five years later I can also remember well the disappointment when it all turned out to be a hoax perpetrated by two men from the State of Georgia.  In fact, calling it "disappointment" is an understatement; I actually felt hurt by what had happened…

So, you might ask, all these years later what on earth am I doing supporting Rick Dyer since he was one of the very men who perpetrated a hoax in 2008?  And the reason is simple:

The evidence IS there to support his Sept 6th 2012 claim…

It's hard to see at a distance, but if you get up close and look at it and talk to the right people both inside and outside the bigfoot community, the evidence IS there.

For me, one of the most surprising hallmarks of this situation was when I came to realize that the majority of the people in the bigfoot community don't actually want bigfoot to be real.  As strange as it sounds, I have indeed found this to be the case.  In brief I have found that the majority of the people in the bigfoot community close their minds and make judgements and then dismiss any facts that don't support their predispositions.

I am here to challenge you to open your mind and look deeply without expectations and perhaps you'll see just as I have that there is indeed something to Mr. Dyer's Sept 6th 2012 claim.

If you were someone who was hurt by what happened in 2008, join the club.  I was too, but I am willing to put that in the past and take a really good look at what Rick Dyer is saying here & now.

All you need to do is what I did: take the initiative and check the facts.

In my opinion after doing so you'll discover that  Rick Dyer is telling the truth.  Moreover, Mr. Dyer is sincere about proving it, and he seems also to understand that he has a responsibility to make up for what happened in 2008.

Monday 23 December 2013

Well, this is my very first blog post, and I want to write and say a bit about what Team Tracker means to me.

I could talk about Bigfoot, and later in the blog I most certainly will, but for now I just want to talk about the Team.

I think the very best of what Team Tracker is about came to light once when one of the team members got his internet cut off, and the other members of the team set up a papypal account and tossed money at the problem until it was fixed.  Not a huge amount, but a huge amount of heart went into it.

That's how it is sometimes.  In a team, or in a family, when a need arises you drop what you are doing and walk the walk, and I have found Team Tracker to be made up of just those type of people.  Stand up guys and stand up gals, supporting each other and getting ready to watch the world as we know it change forever.

Team Tracker has all kinds of folks associated with it: there are some squares to keep our sensibilities level, and also some oddballs to make life interesting, and there are even some who still question what this is all about, but that's okay; what's brought us all together here is a feeling that something is about to happen, and it's more than just a feeling, it's a promise.

People from outside the Team say that just because that promise came from Rick Dyer it's a promise which lacks merit, but I for one am here because I believe what Rick is saying, and I am going to hold him to that promise.  He'd welcome you or anyone else to do the same.  That's the type of man he is.

I'm at ground zero to watch this unfold, and you can choose to take your stand at whatever you consider to be a minimum safe distance.  But I've got a feeling that a bombshell is about to be dropped on the scientific world.  So get ready to duck and cover y'all!  Here comes 2014!